Authors |
Sverdlikova Elena Al'bertovna, Candidate of philosophy, associate professor, sub-department of sociology of organizations and management, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Leninskie gory street, Moscow, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. Reflecting upon the management in the post-soviet Russia, where social inequality has reached deterrent scales, to the author’s opinion, it is necessary to analyze certain lessons of the Russian economical history. Throughout the whole Russian history the ideology of equality affected various spheres of people’s life.
In particular, in the field of labor organization it has been realized in the Russian artel to the full. The analysis of such phenomena, proved by examples from the Russian economic management history, is quite fruitful both for sociology and for further development of the Russian civilization. The research aim is to reveal positive and negative aspects of social equality in the context of socioeconomic development of the community.
Materials and methods. The research objectives were realized on the basis of the analysis of certain points of the social equality ideology, as well as main forms of collective, artel labor organization and the Russian people’s self-organization in specific conditions of the Russian economic management. The research methodology was based on the application of methods of historical and sociological analysis, as well as the elements of artistic perception, image persception of the researched object. As for an artistic illustration the author considered a fragment of the work by P. I. Melnikov (A. Pechersky) “In the woods”. The synthesis of methods allows to comprehensively compare and analyze the original theses of the research on a socioeconomic and socio-managerial potential of the equality concept.
Results. The author researched certain points of the equality ideology in the context of the experience of the artel forms of labor organization. The artel form of labor organization was analyzed as a given that can not be erased from the Russian history. To prove it, the article presents historical facts of successful and unsuccessful experience of application of the collective forms of labor organization. The work substantiates two theses: 1) social equality is favourbale and even necessary for social community survival in tough conditions; 2) social equality interferes with breakthroughs in the socioeconomic field, decreasing people’s motivation to selfless labor.
Cocnlusions. The study of equality problems in the context of historical forms of the Russian people’s self-organization allows to understand that collectivism and artel structure are not just a given of the Russian history, but a fact of today’s life. However, the characteristic traits of the Russian artel – economic targets, prevalence of equality principles, cohesion, solidarity, agreement, participation of members in a mutual business by labor or by labor and capital – should always be understood not as a set of undisputed norms, but as principles that can and must take a special place in the Russian people’s self-organization at the stage of overcoming socioeconomic problems caused by the modern system crisis.
Key words |
equality, inequality, artel, cooperative, Stalinism, motivation, labor.
References |
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